When we think of how to awaken kundalini, we think of a mystical phenomenon that pairs up divine spiritual energy with our mundane human experience.
Kundalini awakening is a fundamental concept in various yogic and spiritual traditions, including Kundalini yoga, Tantra, and some forms of Hinduism and Buddhism.
It is seen as a means of achieving higher states of consciousness, self-realization, and spiritual enlightenment.
You may have heard of prominent yogis around the world sharing their thoughts and practices on Kundalini, such as the abusive Yogi Bhajan, or the Siddha Yoga organization.
Instantaneous awakening of your kundalini is said to happen through a shakti-pat guru to disciple ritual, but outside of that there are supposed means to cultivate an unlocking of this dormant energy.
In this article, we’ll cover how to awaken kundalini on the below topics:
- What Does It Mean To Awaken Kundalini?
- Once Awakened
- Dangers Of Awakening
- How To Awaken Kundalini

What Does It Mean To Awaken Kundalini?
The Word “Kundalini”
The term “Kundalini” itself is derived from the Sanskrit word “kunda,” which means coiled, and it reflects the belief that this potent energy remains in a coiled or dormant state until it is consciously aroused through dedicated practice and spiritual discipline.
The Process Of Awakening
Kundalini Awakening is a profound aspect of Hindu and yogic philosophy and practice. It revolves around the idea that within every individual, there is a dormant, potent spiritual energy coiled at the base of the spine.
This energy is often depicted metaphorically as a serpent resting in a coiled position.
When this dormant energy is awakened and allowed to flow upwards through the central energy channel known as the “Sushumna,” it is believed to bring about a series of transformative experiences and spiritual realizations.
The awakening of Kundalini is regarded as a voyage toward elevated states of awareness, greater self-understanding, and spiritual illumination.As this potent energy ascends, it traverses distinct energy centers known as chakras along the spinal column, each linked to diverse facets of human experience and consciousness.
This transformative journey can manifest as a combination of gradual and intense experiences, encompassing a spectrum of physical, mental, and emotional sensations.
Devotees of Kundalini Yoga and other spiritual traditions actively work to catalyze this awakening through dedicated practices such as meditation, breath control, chanting of mantras, and engagement in various yoga postures.

Once Awakened
Once awakened, Kundalini is thought to bring about a heightened sense of awareness, a deeper connection to the self and the universe, and an expanded understanding of one’s purpose and existence.
Here are some key aspects of what it means to have awakened Kundalini:
#1: Heightened God-Consciousness
Awakened Kundalini is associated with an enhanced state of awareness. Practitioners often describe a heightened perception of both the external world and their inner selves.
They may experience a profound sense of clarity and insight.
#2: Expanded Awareness
Individuals who have awakened Kundalini often report a deeper understanding of themselves, their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This increased self-awareness can lead to personal growth and self-realization.

#3: Spiritual Insights
The awakening of Kundalini frequently brings about spiritual revelations and a feeling of being intricately connected to the cosmos.
Those who practice Kundalini may encounter a deep connection to the divine or a profound sense of unity with the entirety of existence.
#4: Emotional And Physical Sensation
Kundalini awakening can encompass intense physical, mental, and emotional sensations.
These encounters can greatly differ from one individual to another, encompassing sensations such as surges of energy, states of bliss, euphoria, or even moments of discomfort.
#5: Chakra Activation
Kundalini energy is said to move through the chakras, which are energy centers along the spine associated with different aspects of consciousness and the human experience.
As Kundalini rises, it can activate and cleanse these chakras, leading to a sense of balance and harmony.
#6: Personal Transformation
Many view Kundalini awakening as a powerful catalyst for both personal and spiritual development. It has the potential to instigate substantial transformations in an individual’s life, leading to shifts in values, priorities, and lifestyle choices.

Dangers Of Awakening
It’s important to note that while Kundalini Awakening is a revered concept in Hindu and yogic traditions, it is not without its challenges and potential pitfalls.
If not approached with care and guidance from experienced practitioners or teachers, the process can be overwhelming and disorienting.
Therefore, those interested in exploring Kundalini awakening should do so under the guidance of knowledgeable mentors who can provide support and ensure a safe and balanced progression along this spiritual journey.

How To Awaken Kundalini
Kundalini represents a fundamental energy that lies dormant within, awaiting activation through meditative and yogic techniques. It can be viewed as the wellspring of all energies, and its awakening holds the potential for profound transformation.
This awakening serves as a portal, leading to either profound meditative experiences or intense disruptions of one’s inner equilibrium.
Awakening kundalini provides access to the central channel, a journey ideally undertaken with the guidance of an experienced guru.
The foundational concept behind Kundalini awakening revolves around the notion that within the human body lies a subtle energy system that can be stirred and balanced to enhance overall physical, mental, and spiritual health.
This intricate system comprises nadis, often referred to as energy pathways, and chakras, which are considered as energy focal points. It is believed that these energy channels and centers align with various facets of the human experience.
However, to do so alone, this is what one set of instructions look like:
#1: Cleansing Your Nadis (Pranayama)
In the initial stage of Kundalini awakening, individuals can focus on mastering control over their breath using pranayama techniques, which serve to clear and refine the energy pathways.
By guiding your life force to flow up and down these inner energy channels, consistent breath training and the practice of specific pranayama techniques can facilitate the awakening process.
Some of the techniques you could employ are:

#2: Asanas For Awakening
Specific yoga postures, particularly those focusing on deep hip opening and spinal twists, can be highly effective in the process of awakening Kundalini energy.
Here are some yoga poses that are particularly beneficial for Kundalini activation:
#3: Meditating On Kundalini
In meditation, using a combination of deep breathing, mudras, and mantras to stimulate the awakening of kundalini.
During meditation, it is recommended to cover your head to amplify the flow of energy through your chakras, which is crucial to try to awaken the dormant energy at the base of your spine.
Meditation serves as a potent ingredient for awakening kundalini through its ability to cultivate inner stillness, heightened awareness, emotional equilibrium, and alignment with spiritual realms.
During meditation, you focus your mind, quieting the mental noise and distractions. This tranquility can create an environment conducive to Kundalini’s emergence.

#4: Mantra Chanting
The practice of mantra chanting, involving the repetition of a mantra a specific number of times, is a technique that can aid in the awakening of Kundalini.
It serves as an essential component of Kundalini meditation and kriyas, as it plays a pivotal role in developing concentration and awareness.
Mantra chanting can be a catalyst for Kundalini awakening by harnessing the power of focused concentration, resonating vibrations, emotional cleansing, psychological transformation, and a connection with divine energies.
When you chant mantras, your concentrated mind deepens your meditation, and the resonating sound vibrations may awaken dormant energies like Kundalini within your body.
Furthermore, mantras possess the potential to purify your thoughts and emotional blockages, creating a clear pathway for the smooth flow of Kundalini energy.
Usually, mantras written in the Gurmukhi script are used when awakening Kundalini, which is traditionally linked to Sikhism.
It’s noteworthy that the roots of this script trace back to Hinduism, emphasizing its Hindu origin. It’s crucial to clarify that the utilization of these mantras in Kundalini yoga does not equate Kundalini yoga with Sikhism.

Rather, it signifies the blending of various spiritual traditions over time, enriching the tapestry of the Kundalini yoga tradition.
Here are commonly used mantras for awakening kundalini:
- Adi Mantra: “ONG NAMO GURU DEV NAMO” translating as “I bow to the teacher within”
- Bija Mantra: “SAT NAM” translating as “Truth is my identity”
- Adi Shakti Mantra: “ADI SHAKTI, ADI SHAKTI, ADI SHAKTI, NAMO NAMO. SARAB SHAKTI, SARAB SHAKTI, SARAB SHAKTI, NAMO NAMO. PRITHUM BHAGAWATI, PRITHUM BHAGAWATI, PRITHUM BHAGAWATI, NAMO NAMO. KUNDALINI MATA SHAKTI, MATA SHAKTI, NAMO NAMO” translating as “I bow to the primal power, I bow to the all-encompassing power and energy, I bow to that which God creates, I bow to the creative power of the kundalini, the divine mother power”
- Siri Gaitri Mantra: “RA MA DA SA SA SAY SO HUNG” translating as “Sun, Moon, Earth, Infinity: All that is in infinity, I am Thee”
Further Information
Importantly, any specific practice of kundalini awakening you attempt, should happen against a backdrop of wholesome and selfless spiritual pursuit.
The abundance of information cautioning against Kundalini awakening being dangerous is due to the belief that if the energy is unlocked while an individual is not in a healthy state, both mentally and physically, it can potentially lead to profound emotional and physiological complications.
So with this mind, make sure you’re practicing your karma yoga to yourself and others!
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