What Is Namaskar?

नमस्कार namas (bow) + kāra (action) Namaskar Definition Namaskar is the gesture of joining the palms of the hands together in front of the heart or forehead. It is an ancient way of showing reverence, humility, and gratitude. In Indian tradition, it is considered a sacred gesture of respect, used when greeting elders, teachers, and … Read more

What Is Namaste?

नमस्ते Nama (bow) + Te (to you) Namaste Definition Namaste comes from the Sanskrit nama which means “bow” and te which means “to you” Literally it means “I bow to you” and it is a common salutation. Namaste is normally heard at the end (and sometimes the beginning) of a yoga practice and is used … Read more

What Is Nauli?

नौली Nau (boat) + Li (to cling to) Nauli definition Nauli– Self-penance Nauli, also known as isolation of the belly, is a cleansing technique that uses a churning or rolling motion of the abdominal muscles. Nauli Deep Dive Nauli is not a simple technique and you’re not likely to find it in your weekly yoga … Read more

What Is Nadi Shodhana?

नाड़ीशोधन Nadi (channel / flow) + Shodhana (cleaning / purification) Nadi Shodhana Definition Nadi – channel or flowShodhana – purification or cleaning Nadi Shodhana is an accessible balancing type of breath practice called pranayama. This technique requires the practitioner to inhale and exhale through one nostril at a time. Nadi Shodhana involves blocking one nostril … Read more

What Are The Niyamas?

नियम Niyama (rule, guideline, observance) Niyamas Definition Translated as “internal disciplines,” or “inner observances,” the Niyamas are the second of the Eight Limbs of Yoga found in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. It is sometimes said that the Niyamas are the “dos,” while the first of the eight limbs, the Yamas, are the “don’ts.” The Five Niyamas Are: Nyama Definition … Read more