Mudras By Chakra

Chakras, concentrated energy centers of the body, often visualized and depicted as spinning wheels of light. The Chakra System states that there is more to the body than tissues, organs, and bones, and that we are also made of energy fields layered around the physical being.

We can use mudras to cultivate a greater awareness of these energy fields in the subtle body, working with, and maybe opening, the chakras.

Mudras By Element / / / Mudras By Chakra

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Root Chakra Mudras

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Sacral Chakra Mudras

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Solar Plexus Chakra Mudras

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Heart Chakra Mudras

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Throat Chakra Mudras

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Third Eye Chakra Mudras

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Crown Chakra Mudras

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“I can change the world, with my own two hands.
Make a better place, with my own two hands.
Make a kinder place, oh with my, oh with my own two hands.” 
— Ben Harper