What Is Siddhi?

सिद्धि Siddhi (fulfillment/perfection) Siddhi Definition Siddhis are supernatural powers or spiritual abilities that are attained through the dedicated practices of yoga. siddhi deep dive Yoga Sutras Practitioners of yoga and meditation can develop siddhis, or advanced capabilities, through rigorous sadhana (spiritual practice). These occur involuntarily, whether you have an intention of developing them or not. … Read more

What Are The Shatkarmas?

षटकर्म Shat (six) + Karma (action) Shatkarma Definition Shatkarma (ṣaṭkarma) is the Sanskrit term for purification techniques which can be found in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Said to internally purify the body, shatkarmas include neti, dhauti, nauli, basti, kapalabhati and trataka. Some of the shatkarmas are not for the fainthearted and should be practiced under … Read more

What Is Sadhana?

साधन Sadhana Definition Originating in the Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist traditions, sadhana is most commonly understood as daily spiritual practice, or the means of realizing. It is made from the Sanskrit root word “sadh,” meaning a tool or practice to achieve a goal, or going directly to the goal. Some sources claim the word also … Read more

What Is The Subtle Body?

सूक्ष्म शरीर Sukshma (subtle, non-tangible) + Sharira (body) Subtle Body Definition In Sanskrit, the term “subtle body” is rendered Sukshma Sharira, or sometimes Linga Sharira. Sukshma means “subtle,” or “non-tangible.” The connotation is one of vaporous or atom-sized material. Sharira means “body.” The subtle body is sometimes also referred to as the astral body. In … Read more