What Is Pingala Nadi?

पिङ्गल नाड़ी piṅgala nāḍī (golden channel) Pingala Nadi Definition पिङ्गल – Piṅgala: translates to golden, or solar, it represents the right side of the body, the sun, and the masculine नाड़ी – Nāḍī: translates to channel, or river, representing the energy channels of the body Pingala nadi is one of the three main energy channels … Read more

What Is Prakriti?

प्रकृति prakṛti (the principle of matter in the sāṃkhya philosophical system) Prakriti Definition In Indian philosophy, particularly in the context of yoga, Vedanta, and Samkhya philosophies, prakriti is a fundamental concept that refers to the primal and unmanifested aspect of nature or the material world. Prakriti is often contrasted with ‘purusha,’ which represents pure consciousness … Read more

What Is Sattva?

सत्त्व sattva (one of the gunas, characterized by intelligence, purity, harmony, and goodness) Sattva Definition Sattva represents one of the three fundamental gunas, or qualities, that are believed to shape the nature of all existence. The three gunas are sattva, rajas, and tamas. Sattva is often regarded as the most elevated and harmonious of the … Read more

What Is Rajas?

रजस् rajas (one of the gunas, characterized by passion and activity) Rajas Definition Rajas is one of the three fundamental gunas, or qualities, in Indian philosophy. Each guna represents a set of characteristics that influence human behavior, thoughts, and experiences. Rajas is characterized by qualities associated with activity, restlessness, and desire. Rajas Deep Dive The … Read more

Vata Pitta: Understanding Your Constitution & 5 Tried And Tested Tips For Balance

The balance of your doshas can fluctuate throughout life due to your diet, environment, habits, and life experiences. Imbalances can lead to illness – to live your optimal life, you need to maintain your innate dosha balance.  Ayurvedic medicine works by teaching you how to maintain your dosha balance. In this article, we will look … Read more