52 Root Chakra Affirmations

Feeling shaky, ungrounded, insecure? Seeking safety – physically, materially, emotionally, spiritually? These may be signs that your first energy center could use some attention – and Root Chakra Affirmations might do the trick! Affirmations are positive statements that can help you challenge and overcome negative thoughts, encourage yourself, boost self-esteem, relieve anxiety, increase self-love, and … Read more

116 Sacral Chakra Affirmations To Unleash Your Creativity

Feeling out of balance emotionally, creatively or sexually? Seeking inspiration and confidence – physically, mentally or spiritually? These may be signs that your second energy centre could use some attention – and Sacral Chakra Affirmations might be just what the doctor ordered! Affirmations are positive statements that can help you challenge and overcome negative thoughts, … Read more

Chakra Affirmations 101 What Are They And How They Work

Affirmations are mini mantras that pack a punch! They can help you harness the power of your emotions – even the seemingly negative ones like anxiety and fear – and put them to positive use. In this article, we’ll unpack: What are affirmations? Affirmations are positive statements that can help you challenge and overcome negative thoughts, encourage … Read more

What Is a Chakra Mantra?

Chakra Mantra Definition A chakra mantra refers to a sound, word, or phrase that helps activate the energy within a specific chakra. The word mantra is defined as “a mystical formula of invocation.” There are many different ways to incorporate chakra mantras into your practice that can help heal your chakra system and empower your life. … Read more

What Is Baba Nam Kevalam?

बाबा नाम केवलम Baba (beloved) + Nam (name) + Kevalam (only) Baba Nam Kevalam Definition Baba Nam Kevalam is a Sanskrit mantra often translated as: “only the name of the beloved,” but may be also understood as “love is all there is,” or “the love of the supreme consciousness is the essence of all things.” … Read more