Revolved Triangle Pose (Parivrtta Trikonasana)

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Revolved Triangle Pose, Parivrtta Trikonasana, (par-ee-vrit-tah trik-cone-AH-suh-nuh)

parivrtta (revolve) + trikona (triangle) + asana (pose)

Also Known as: Revolving Triangle, Triangle Twist

Pose Type: Twisting, Stretching, Balancing, Stress Relief

Difficulty: Intermediate

a woman wearing black yoga clothes in revolved triangle pose

Challenge your stability and mental focus as you twist into Revolved Triangle Pose.

Revolved Triangle Pose Fundamentals

Build focus and awareness in this beautiful twist. Revolved Triangle Pose is physically demanding, which may help bring you back to the present moment and focus your thoughts.

The pose challenges your balance and is great for building both physical and mental stability.

The triangle itself is often viewed as a symbol of stability, power, and strength. Viewed in that way, the pose may help you build internal power, and to have more strength to tackle the challenges of everyday life.

As is true for most twists, you shouldn’t focus on twisting the neck in this pose. Rather, build the rotation from the lower back and proceed upwards. We tend to focus on the neck as it’s usually the most mobile area in our spine. That may actually lessen the twist as we lose awareness of the middle and upper back. These are exactly the areas where most of us are the stiffest, so practicing with this intention may help you release and open the whole back. 

Most standing postures have a similar intention – a combination of lifting and grounding.

The grounding comes from the feet which are our base, and connection with the earth. One hand can also become a point with the ground and increase your stability if you are grabbing your toe with the bottom arm. You will find the lifting action in the rest of your body, particularly the arm that’s overhead. Allow that arm to pull your entire torso upwards, and lift your legs by engaging your muscles and keeping them extended.

Working on your spine will help you work with your breath and your nervous system, as all those elements of your body work in unison. Just like deep breathing can influence and improve your posture, working on your posture helps to deepen your breath. That automatically calms the nervous system and makes you feel more relaxed and harmonious. 

The Revolved Triangle Pose stimulates your entire energetic body, but is especially rewarding as a part of your Solar Plexus Chakra practice. If you are practicing with this intention and awareness, it may help open this energy center and build your confidence and willpower. 

Revolved Triangle Pose Benefits

  • After practicing the pose on both sides, you will both stretch and strengthen the main muscles of the legs, including the hamstrings, calves, quadriceps, and glutes. The twist will also stretch the hips, shoulders, abdomen, chest, and arms. 
  • The twist opens the chest and the intercostal muscles (the muscles between the ribs) which may help improve breathing. 
  •  The complexity of the pose improves focus and stability.
  • The work on proper alignment and full body stretch may help improve your posture. 
  • Contracts the abdomen, boosting metabolism and detoxification. 
  • Boosts blood circulation in the body and relaxes the nervous system. 
  • Aids in building balance and stability, which will also help you in other standing yoga poses.
  • By targeting the lower back, where many people tend to hold stress, this pose can help calm stress and anxiety. 

How To Do Revolved Triangle Pose: Step-By-Step

How To Get There:

1. Begin in Mountain Pose. Take a moment to become aware of your feet, and root them firmly into the ground.

2. Now open the left foot to the side, so your feet are between 3 and 4 feet distance apart. Engage your thighs. 

3. Turn the left foot slightly inside, and keep the right foot pointing forward. Keep the heels in the same line. Turn the right thigh slightly outward, to align the knee with the direction of the foot.

4. Extend your arms and raise them to your sides, so they’re in line with your shoulders. Extend your upper body to the right, but keep the left leg strong. 

5. Twist your torso to the left, allowing the left hip to naturally turn forward. 

6. Now move your right hand down. Depending on your flexibility, you can place it on your shin, ankle, or on the ground, outside the right foot.

7. Stretch your left arm towards the sky, keeping it aligned with your shoulder. Rotate your neck slightly and gaze at the left hand.

8. Hold the pose for 3 to 5 breaths. Lift your torso with an inhale to release. Then turn your feet to the left, and repeat the same steps on the other side. 

An annotated image of woman wearing black yoga clothes doing revolved triangle pose

Tips And Tricks:

  • To ensure proper alignment and length in your upper body, imagine you’re pressing your shoulders, head, and hips against a wall.
  • If it’s difficult to find stability in the pose, try narrowing your stance. Looking down instead of gazing towards the top arm will also help you with balance. 
  • Aim to keep your arms stacked, so they form one line from the floor to the sky. 
  • If you’re not able to root the back heel to the ground, still keep the same action in mind, pressing it towards the floor. With time, you will be able to touch the ground.
  • Allow your breath to guide you. With every inhale, lengthen your spine, and with your exhale, deepen the twist. 
  • Keep your legs straight. If you’re bending your front knee, move the bottom arm higher on your front leg.
  • This pose is primarily a side bend. Don’t bend your back or slouch your shoulders. 
  • Stable foundation makes this pose much easier to hold. Make sure you are engaging your core and thighs the entire time. 

Revolved Triangle Pose Variation:

Revolved Triangle Pose Variation: Revolved Triangle Pose With a Block 

a woman wearing black yoga clothes in revolved triangle pose with a block under her hand

If your hamstrings are tight, you might not be able to reach down with the bottom arm in proper alignment. If that’s the case for you, place a block beneath your hand, to add more length. You can begin by placing the block upright and lower it to its shorter side as you progress. In this manner, you can go deeper gradually, and with continuous practice, you’ll be able to remove the block and touch the floor with your arm while maintaining a straight spine. 

Revolved Triangle Pose Variation: Revolved Triangle Against A Wall

If you’re losing your balance and wobbling in the pose, you won’t be able to keep your intention on lengthening and twisting the spine.

One thing you can do to compensate for this and feel more stable is pushing the back heel against a wall. This variation will also help you if you’re not able to reach your back heel to the ground.

Precautions & Contraindications:

Common misalignments

Back heel lifted. Make sure you’re keeping your feet grounded on the floor. If your back heel lifts, make sure you’re still attempting to touch the ground. If you have this action in mind, you will engage your body in the same way as if it was actually touching the ground.

Forcing the rotation. Make sure you’re twisting slowly and beginning the rotation from the lower back. Only when you’ve twisted as deep as you can, should you begin rotating your neck. Using your breath to guide you into the twist will help you stay focused. 

Injuries and Surgery

Avoid the pose if you have any injury and condition, or have recently undergone surgery related to the back, spine, or neck. Also refrain from the pose during pregnancy, as twisting poses are not suitable for pregnant women. Finally, consult with a physician or your yoga teacher before practicing if you have low blood pressure, migraines, or any issues in the digestive system. 

Related Poses

Extended Triangle Pose

Revolved Side Angle Pose

Pyramid Pose

Preparatory Poses:

Warrior I 

Extended Triangle Pose

Bharadvaja’s Twist Pose

Counter Poses:

Standing Forward Bend

Revolved Half Moon Pose

Head To Knee Pose

yogajala break 1000 × 40 px 1

For more in-depth asana resources, check out our free Yoga Pose Library. Here you’ll find complete guides to each and every yoga asana to deepen your yoga knowledge.

Each pose page features high-quality photos, anatomy insights, tips and tricks, pose instructions and queues, asana variations, and preparatory and counter poses.

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Sara lives in Croatia, near the sea, with her dog. She enjoys exploring nature, and making art. She is currently developing a series of children’s/YA stories and comics in her native language, which she feels complements her work and allows her to live her dream life – having yoga, writing, art, and nature in her every day.

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